Linden Plant Uses & Benefits

Linden Plant Uses & Benefits

Linden Plant Uses & Benefits 

Linden (Tilia sp.) is a tree species with medicinal properties concentrated in its flowers. It is classified in the Linden family (Tiliaceae).
The Celts considered the tree sacred. Under its branches they held meetings, believing that it watched over the justice of their decisions and their subsequent execution. The shape of its leaves - heart-shaped, was associated with the goddess of love.
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Linden tree

The linden tree reaches a height of 30-40 meters and lives up to 1000 years. Its crown is very large and richly branched. Its leaves are heart-shaped and slightly serrated along the edge of the leaf. Flowering - beginning of June. The fruits of the linden tree develop in the place of each flower and are small nuts that have hard shells.
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Where does Linden tea grow?

In Bulgaria, the silver-leaved linden (Tilia tomentosa) is the most widespread. It grows mainly in the Ludogorets, the Pre-Balkans and the Danube Plain. The linden develops under different soil and climatic conditions, but it hardly tolerates grafting.

Usable part of linden

The flowers are used, which are picked during flowering, in dry and sunny weather, in the early hours before noon.
usable parts of linden tea

Chemical composition of linden

Linden flower contains essential oil, tiliroside, flavonoids, mucilage substances, ascorbic acid, tannins, glycosides, saponins, provitamin A, aglycones, vitamin C, wax, sugars, bitter substances, carotene.
The wonderful, characteristic and strong aroma of linden blossom is due to the sesquiterpene alcohol farnesol contained in its essential oil.

Medicinal properties and application of linden herb

  • strengthens the body's defenses
  • diuretic
  • facilitates digestion
  • antirheumatic
  • disinfectant
  • anti-inflammatory
  • diaphoretic
  • antispasmodic

Used in the following conditions

  • dizziness
  • a cold
  • a cold
  • headache
  • epilepsy
  • hysteria
  • hoarse voice
  • anemia
  • hair loss
  • neuritis
Linden tea with honey has a calming effect and is recommended for consumption before sleep.
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