March 15, 2024

The unique Bulgarian herb - Mursal Tea

Every Bulgarian has heard about the amazing Mursal Tea and the thousands of health benefits it brings. And probably everyone has tried it! But why is this herb so unique?


MURSALSKI TEA is also known as "Pirinsky", "Trigradsky", "Alibotushki" and "Sharplanin tea".

Its Latin name is “Sideritis scardica”. It is interesting that the species epithet scardica comes from the ancient name "Scardus" - which is the Latin name of the Schar mountain, where it was found and described by the Göttingen botanist August Griesebach.

Mursal tea - a Balkan endemic

Mursal tea is a Balkan ENDEMIT. It is considered one of the wonders of the Rhodopes, due to its incomparable healing power. An herb that is said to be magical and heals everything.

Mount Mursalitsa is located in the Rhodopes. Legend has it that Mursal tea grows on the spot where Orpheus' tears fell when he was searching for his beloved Eurydice. This is where one of nature's most healing herbs appears.

Endemics are biological species distributed in a limited area (range) - a geographical area, mountain, water body, country or other administrative unit.

Balkan endemics - are plants or animals found only on the Balkan Peninsula.

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Propagation of the medicinal herb

Mursal tea is strictly endemic to the Balkan Peninsula, and in our country it is distributed in the Middle and Southern Pirin, the Mursal section of the Rhodopes, Rzana mountain and Slavyanka mountain (Alibotush). It is found at an altitude of 1400 to 2200 meters.

The plant can also be seen in some mountains in Greece, North Macedonia and Albania. In our southern neighbor, and also in Macedonia, the medicinal herb is known only as mountain tea. It is a curious fact that Macedonia is a major producer and exporter of the herb, supplying markets in Western Europe and the USA for years.

It is important to note that it is included in the Red Book of Bulgaria. However, with the help of the cultivation of the herb in recent years, it can still be found in a pharmacy, in an online herbal shop or any other store in the country, which is something really valuable.

Botanical characteristics of Mursalski tea

We are talking about a perennial herbaceous plant from the Urstnosvetni family, whose length often reaches 50 cm. The leaves are opposite, sessile or with short petioles, linear-elliptic to linear-lanceolate. The flowers are yellowish. They are conveniently arranged vertebrally in the axils of lemon-yellow membranous bracts in racemes, most often lemon-yellow in color. The calyx is tubular bell-shaped, shallowly 5-lobed, the corolla bilobed, the stamens

Chemical properties of mountain tea

The incredible healing properties of Mursal tea are due to the flavonoids and 22 elements of the periodic table, among which are: iron, copper, cobalt, selenium, zinc, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium and others, as well as essential oils and tannins.

Thanks to the large presence of flavonoids, it has been proven repeatedly over the years to have antibacterial and antioxidant effects.

Medicinal properties

Mursal Tea is very loved by all Bulgarians, as it works:

  • expectorant
  • anti-inflammatory
  • and emollient in cases of inflamed mucous membranes.

Also, the herb is very helpful in all types

  • cough
  • bronchitis
  • bronchial asthma
  • and other

At the Institute of Botany of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS), the properties of the plant were carefully studied years ago.

It has been found to have a beneficial effect on liver and a number of other diseases. If you open any old herbal book, you will notice that Mursalsky Tea is recommended for emphysema, chest pain, sore throat and other health problems.

Reception in the form of tea

The usual way of taking the Balkan miracle is by boiling three tablespoons of it in one liter of water for three minutes. The resulting decoction is drunk like this - one glass of wine before meals, three times a day instead of water.


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7 reasons to drink Mursal tea extract every day

Everyone says Mursal tea is the herb of health and longevity. Likened to a true miracle, it grows in the Balkans and helps hundreds of people in their quest for good health every season.

That is why it can be used daily and thus increase the effect and its benefits. It is a real natural treasure, proven even stronger than ginseng.

Here, we'll give you seven reasons why it's worth having it always on hand.

  • 1. In the first place is its antioxidant activity, which leads the top rankings and has a beneficial effect on the whole organism.

Antioxidants destroy free radicals and successfully protect against viruses and bacteria. This gives us real immunity protection throughout the year.

  • 2. In second place we place its power to cleanse the body of toxins, thus increasing vitality, preventing fatigue and neutralizing heavy metals in the body.
  • 3. The third and particularly important benefit of Mursal tea extract is the fact that it helps with high blood pressure problems, as well as preventing heart attacks and strokes.
  • 4. Its fourth property is its action on liver diseases. We know how important the proper functioning of this organ is to be healthy. So we don't have to wait for the symptoms or the disease once we have access to a preventative measure like this.
  • 5. The fifth positive of the herb is related to its help with kidney problems.

It is no coincidence that it is also popular as one of the best natural diuretics.

  • 6. In sixth place is the intensive effect in respiratory diseases and for use in cough treatment.

What is better than a natural and natural remedy that does not contain any risks and harms?

  • 7. A seventh and very important effect is its ability to improve the function of the endocrine system and the pancreas.

Their regulation is completely possible and absolutely harmless through the Mursal tea extract. For these reasons and more, it is more than important to have daily access to the miracle herb.

Nature - a source of life

When we are in nature we are happy, it has the property of giving peace and tranquility and above all health. Fortunately, Bulgaria can offer a lot of both! This is what is called both natural and national wealth.

The wealth of Bulgaria - Mursal tea

The plant acts:

  • expectorant
  • anti-inflammatory
  • and emollient for sore mucous membranes

It is recommended for all types of cough, bronchitis, bronchial asthma and others. The best part is that one does not have to have any health problem at all to drink tea from this amazing herb. It is suitable at any time of the year and has an incomparable taste and aroma.

If you haven't tried it yet, don't delay any longer! 


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