The Abyss of Life
As people walked the path of life, each of them carried their own cross on his shoulders. There was a man who groaned and complained all the time because he thought his cross was the heaviest.
“It can't be that way - he thought, - I have to come up with something to make things easier.”
And he did. Being sly by nature, began to lag behind the others, and when no one saw him anymore, he stopped, removed the cross from his back and cut off a part of it. Fully satisfied with his idea, he caught up with his companions and continued with them on the difficult path of life. Ah, it was so much easier for him to carry his cross now that he had shortened it.
Some time passed and a suddenly everyone found themselves in front of a great abyss. The only way to get through it was to lay their crosses above it and use them as a bridge between the two ends of the abyss. They all passed one by one and moved on. Only the cunning man could not cross, because his cross was too short to lean on the opposite side – he was short the exact same length as the cut piece he cut off.
So he stayed in this place forever and lost the chance to move on in life.