September 03, 2020
Many, many years ago, people possessed Happiness in abundance. It was part of their lives, each one of them had it and no one had to fight for it. People got so used to it that they stopped appreciating and rejoicing it. They began to complain and resent.
So one day the angels came together and decided to teach the people a lesson. In order to feel the lack of Happiness and to begin to appreciate it again, the angels decided to
hide it in a way that it was very difficult to find.
Now the had to decide where to hide it.
One angel offered to put it at the bottom of the ocean, another - on the highest mountain peak, a third - among the fragrant flowers on a meadow or on a small forest path ... someone suggested to put it in the bread. But no place seemed difficult enough for them to find.
Then an angel said:
- Let's hide Happiness inside each person! One very rarely looks there…
Everyone agreed unanimously.
And so from ancient times to the present day,
Happiness is still hidden inside us. And if we seek it, we try to find it in thousands of things, we fights for it, sometimes we fails to find it all our life. And it stands there, inside within our soul. Quietly waiting to be rediscovered and to reveal all its beauty...
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